


1. 南岸区江南大道店:电话:023-12345678,地址:南岸区江南大道XXX号
2. 南岸区弹子石店:电话:023-87654321,地址:南岸区弹子石XXX号

1. 九龙坡区杨家坪店:电话:023-98765432,地址:九龙坡区杨家坪XXX号
2. 九龙坡区石桥铺店:电话:023-45612378,地址:九龙坡区石桥铺XXX号

1. 沙坪坝区大学城店:电话:023-12345678,地址:沙坪坝区大学城XXX号
2. 沙坪坝区小龙坎店:电话:023-87654321,地址:沙坪坝区小龙坎XXX号

1. 渝中区解放碑店:电话:023-98765432,地址:渝中区解放碑XXX号
2. 渝中区大坪店:电话:023-45612378,地址:渝中区大坪XXX号

桑拿1. 江北区观音桥店:电话:023-12345678,地址:江北区观音桥XXX号
2. 江北区五里店店:电话:023-87654321,地址:江北区五里店XXX号

1. 渝北区照母山店:电话:023-98765432,地址:渝北区照母山XXX号
2. 渝北区龙塔店:电话:023-45612378,地址:渝北区龙塔XXX号

1. 巴南区鱼洞店:电话:023-12345678,地址:巴南区鱼洞XXX号
2. 巴南区李家沱店:电话:023-87654321,地址:巴南区李家沱XXX号





















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3. 服务优质:阳明山庄桑拿浴拥有一支专业的服务团队,为消费者提供热情、周到的服务。

4. 品牌知名度高:作为重庆地区知名桑拿洗浴品牌,阳明山庄桑拿浴在消费者心中具有较高的知名度。



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3. 专业服务:中心拥有一支专业的服务团队,为消费者提供热情、周到的服务。

4. 品牌口碑:凭借优质的服务和良好的口碑,重庆特色桑拿洗浴中心在消费者心中享有较高地位。







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1. 看口碑:选择合川桑拿按摩店时,可以先了解该店的口碑,通过亲朋好友的推荐或者网络评价来判断。

2. 看环境:进入桑拿按摩店后,可以观察店内环境是否整洁、舒适,设备是否齐全。

3. 看服务:选择合川桑拿按摩店时,要关注服务态度,了解按摩师的专业水平。


### 重庆桑拿会馆位置指南:寻找都市中的休闲养生胜地


#### 1. 重庆桑拿会馆分布概况


– **渝中区**:作为重庆的中心区域,渝中区拥有众多高端的桑拿会馆,如位于解放碑的“VIP男士养生馆”和位于洪崖洞附近的“皇庭SPA”等。
– **江北区**:江北区以其发达的商业和休闲设施而闻名,如“悦来温泉”和“绿宝石水疗中心”等,都是不错的选择。
– **南岸区**:南岸区的“东方皇廷SPA”和“南滨路养生馆”等,提供优质的水疗服务,环境优雅。
– **九龙坡区**:九龙坡区的“力帆国际SPA”和“都市丽人水疗中心”等,以其专业的服务和舒适的环境吸引着众多顾客。
– **沙坪坝区**:沙坪坝区的“华美达SPA”和“重庆大学城养生馆”等,为周边居民提供了一个放松身心的好去处。

#### 2. 高端桑拿会馆推荐

– **VERY PERI男士SPA**:位于渝中区,以其生态养生、水疗洗浴、茶酒香道为一体的高端spa场所著称,环境优雅,服务一流。
– **晚欲雪男士SPA**:遍布全国多个城市,重庆的分店位于江北区,提供50多种休闲养生减压项目,主打私人订制服务。
– **皇庭SPA**:位于渝中区洪崖洞附近,以古朴的檀木椅、专业的技师和独特的文化艺术格调著称。

#### 3. 如何选择合适的桑拿会馆

– **地理位置**:选择离自己居住或工作地点较近的桑拿会馆,方便快捷。
– **服务质量**:了解会馆的服务质量,如技师的专业程度、服务态度等。
– **环境氛围**:选择环境优雅、氛围舒适的会馆,有助于放松身心。
– **价格**:根据自己的预算选择合适的桑拿会馆,避免过度消费。

#### 4. 体验桑拿养生的小贴士

– **提前预约**:为了确保有好的体验,建议提前预约。
– **了解项目**:在享受桑拿服务前,了解不同项目的特点和效果,以便选择适合自己的服务。
– **注意安全**:在享受桑拿服务时,注意安全,避免中暑或烫伤。
– **适当休息**:桑拿后适当休息,补充水分,有助于身体恢复。


"…" Hua Feiyan’s face froze. What do you mean? People are sincere for advice.

However, although her heart is uneasy, she still has a carriage to return to the sea. After all, it is rare to cultivate immortals and meet an expert who is willing to solve problems. It is even more difficult to seize the opportunity, even if there are some risks.
Yu Guihai’s carriage is, after all, a person riding in that kind of carriage. It’s a little narrow and crowded, so they get closer together.
If I had been so close to the beauty in my previous life, I would have been afraid to go to the sea, so I would have shrunk to the corner to make room for the beauty.
But in this life, he is a peerless genius and a peerless master. Make room for others?
No way! The more beautiful, the worse.
He just sat on his side so grandly that he felt soft and warm, and it felt good. He couldn’t help but regret that he had been bold if he had known his previous life.
Wen Xiang nephrite returns to the sea feeling that his mind is still a little poor, and he is a little shaken in the face of beauty.
It’s not good. It needs exercise!
Thought of here, he not only didn’t hide, but didn’t show any traces. He had to make it more difficult to exercise his mind.
Although Hua Feiyan was squeezed shyly, he was relieved to see Yu Guihai without further moving his heart. After all, he was not a casual person.
She stabilized her mind and asked, "Daoyou, I am now practicing to the third peak of the gas refining period, but I finally broke through to the fourth floor. I wonder if you can give me some advice?"
"This … from the third floor to the fourth floor is the dividing point in the early and middle stages of the gas refining period. There will be a small qualitative change, and the requirements for Lingcao and Reiki will be greatly increased. There must be enough Lingcao and Reiki to successfully break through."
Yu Guihai pondered over and said
"Daoyou said it was true, but I tried it in vain and Lingcao failed to break through. I wonder if you can introduce a breakthrough experience?" Flower swallow smell speech eyes a bright and then asked
"I have some breakthrough experience to say. I’ll think about it and tell you." Yu Guihai said and thought hard.
Hua Feiyan saw the silence and waited for the atmosphere, so he didn’t dare to take a bite for fear of disturbing Yu Guihai’s train of thought.
After a while, Yu Guihai smiled and said, "It’s actually very simple to say that I broke through the experience. On that day, I felt that I had reached the three-layer peak body aura in the gas refining period, and I knew it was time to break through."
Hua Feiyan pricked up her ears and listened carefully for fear of missing a word.
"Then I prepared Lingcao and chose a place full of aura. At that time, I passed Lingcao just after midnight, and then I meditated and practiced, and then I broke through. This is my breakthrough experience."
Yu Guihai said easily.
Hua Feiyan’s heart is like suffering from 10 thousand critical blows and I don’t know what to say
What kind of experience is this?
This is just eating fruit and showing off!
People die more than people. Everyone is cultivating immortality. Why is the gap so big?
Hua Feiyan was depressed for a moment, and quickly changed the subject and stopped asking questions about repairing spells.
"Excuse me, Daoyou, it’s always difficult for me to get started practicing magic. I wonder if you can give me some advice?"
Yu Gui Hai Wen said with a frown, "Is it difficult to get started with spells? I got started the first time. I really don’t have much experience in this field. "
Hua Feiyan’s face was faintly black.
At this time, Yu Guihai added, "But if you ask Dacheng about his successful experience, I have some experience."
"Taoist friends, please enlighten me!"
Hua Feiyan’s mood improved a little. Although these experiences didn’t help her eyes, the post-cultivation spells always reached these levels. If she learned the experience before, she could take less detours.
"My experience is more!" Yu guihai positive color way
"How much?" Flower swallow doubt way
"Yes, it is necessary to practice more. If you are idle every day, you will keep casting spells more often, and you will naturally become proficient. Just as I learned spells a dozen times at that time, it became three days into four days, and it was complete and fast." Yu Guihai said in a relaxed tone.
Flower swallow almost depressed vomiting blood.
This product is absolutely bragging. Forget it. It’s not a thing to make up lies and deceive people!
She was so angry that she didn’t dare to show it, and she stopped asking for advice. She chatted casually and got off the bus.
"Come and ask me any questions about cultivation at any time!"
Yu Guihai wanting more laughs
He is very satisfied in his heart, giving advice is cool, not only can he give lessons to solve doubts, but also can satisfy himself and sublimate his mood.
"Yes, yes, yes." Hua Feiyan’s face was stiff and he seemed to go back when he fled.
Come back for advice later?
I’m sorry, it’s impossible. Her body and mind have suffered a heavy blow and destruction. I won’t ask Yu Guihai again in this life.
On this day, I was on my way to the sea and suddenly felt a strange and weak fluctuation.
His heart moved quickly and reached out to take out a piece of blue jade card, which Hao Tianzhen gave him to attend the fair.
A line appeared at the meeting.
November 11
"… Double Eleven" Yu Guihai vomited.
This date is urgent in three days, and he doesn’t know the location of the fair yet.
Yu Guihai decided to whip up his horse and a line of people didn’t rest. After running around day and night, he finally came to Beicang Fucheng.
For this city, Yu Guihai’s impression is that it is big, tall and very tall, even taller than fish Gyeongju.
But there is nothing but being tall.

If the ghost cold fails, she will stop. With this perfect true monarch instrument, she will win this refining competition!

Ghost cold still closed his eyes and seemed to be immersed in his own world.
Willow smoke-laden movement here didn’t have any impact on him!
The group held its breath and dared not blink.
This refining battle has reached the most critical moment, and the winner may be decided at any time!
I don’t know how long it took.
Ghost cold suddenly opened his eyes and drank a "condensate!"
In an instant, the soil fertility seems to have boiled!
The endless force of heaven and earth poured into the pot of the underworld and almost condensed into a huge whirlpool!
The magic in the cauldron of the nether world spews out in the glow of generate!
The sixth tattoo of the blade appears!
The instrument of the innate true king has become!
Group repair
Everyone stared at the scene in disbelief.
What a shock!
A flying sword that was burnt to crimson slowly emerged from the nether pot. The body of the sword clearly embodies six lines and shines brilliantly!
This kind of sight is hard for most monks to see once in their lifetime.
Nobody wants to miss it.
Even Thousand Crane Gate Patriarch Lan Yue Dao Jun couldn’t help praising one.
The refined door shocked everyone, and his face became gloomy.
Willow smoke-laden mind vibration can’t control the flying sword in the flame tripod, which almost burst and fell short.
She took a deep breath and quickly stabilized the flame.
The birth of this innate true monarch means that she has no way out!
She can meet the difficulties and continue to concise the sixth dharma pattern!
The situation is changing rapidly.
It seems that all the pressure parts are pressed on this weak female body in an instant.
She feels a little breathless!
Ghost cold stands proudly and accepts the admiration from all around. Several people admire the willow smoke in the squint.
That kind of eyes can’t say contempt and disdain.
Willow smoke-laden dare not look at her in the eye. She can calm her mind as much as possible and try to condense the sixth dharma pattern!
Time goes by bit by bit.
Willow smoke more pale forehead with a fine layer of sweat.
She dare not try to be concise!
Once the condensation fails, she will fall into the abyss!
But if she doesn’t try to concise, her chances will get less and less until she runs out of mental and physical strength.
External pressure and physical and mental exhaustion make Liu Yanyan’s whole state close to collapse!
Seeing this scene, the corners of the mouth are slightly warped.
He knew he was going to win!
Tong Xuan tea tree Su Mo and others are also looking at this situation.
"This beautiful sister is afraid of losing." Xiao Pang sighed.

Watching in other small worlds, several other Xianjun couldn’t help showing surprise and reached a consensus instantly … This person is probably the strongest one among the seven Xianwang. No wonder he dared not take the initiative to retreat at the end.

After completing its amazing transformation, the mountain man didn’t make moves again. It was in vain. That weird smile looked at Qin Changfeng waiting for something quietly.
When he looked at Qin Changfeng’s body, it suddenly made all the monks in the dark department suddenly tremble and rumbling because the audio and video was so broken that the body collapsed!
For a moment, there were many cracks on the surface of his skin, glittering and translucent, and blood spurted out of it, turning red, so enchanting and so harsh.
Qin Changfeng’s eyes flashed with amazement, but it seemed that everything had come and gone. More and more cracks appeared all over the body in the blink of an eye, and a strange mark was vaguely formed. With a slight shock, the whole person collapsed along those cracks and turned into hundreds of millions of light dust, then continued to escape and finally disappeared, leaving nothing behind.
Even though the otherness is a rune, the body, muscles, bones and blood are all composed of runes, and the theory can be reunited even if it collapses, but it has completely lost this ability at this moment.
Heaven and earth are all dead.
Almost no one knows what happened. The Seven Giants of Heaven, Xian Jun, just fell.
I didn’t fight back. I didn’t know what magical power the other side was. !
"If you are still alive, can you tell me if you are looking for death?" The mountain man looked at Qin Changfeng indifferently and quietly, but not proudly in his expression.
His blow proved to hundreds of millions of monks in heaven that among hermits who practice immortality, there are also strong figures who are famous for fighting and fighting. What about the brilliant immortal king? Has not been cut off by him? With this record alone, he is on a par with Di Renjun and Fu Tujun.
You know, his opponent Xianjun is stronger or weaker than those who challenge Xianwang.
"Day worship … this is destiny! He acquired a ray of heaven will by some magical secret technique and temporarily incarnated himself into heaven. When he worshiped the immortal king, it was actually heaven’s way that everyone could bear. Who dares to accept it is disrespect for heaven, and it takes an instant to make it disappear in the world. "
In the mysterious crowd, the fairy king and the bodhi old zu told the truth, which made everyone still immersed in amazement clear that the mountain man was like a shot and the fairy king was like a fall
"It’s amazing to be able to create this kind of magical power from the punishment of Heaven itself. It’s no wonder that you dare to take part in the first gentleman’s ownership war."
The jade slave fairy in the dark department crowd also mumbles to herself. This way of worshipping in the sky is not only bizarre but also creepy.
It didn’t reveal the actual war, but let the enemy in front of it offend the heaven with the help of the majesty of untouchables, and was punished by cutting interest rates.
It is insidious to let them comment on nature. Who would have thought that the fairy king, a realm of his, would calculate his opponent in such an absolutely disgraceful way in public?
No one can realize that his seemingly apology and worship will contain such a terrible murder, and with the help of heaven’s power, he will punish and restrain almost all avenue immortals from resisting again once they have done so.
But what is surprising is that Yunu Xian has no fear of Xianjun’s fall, even though her tone is amazing to the mountain people.
You know, according to the rules of heaven, you must be buried as a squire when you fall!
"Fairy, aren’t you worried about your future?" The mysterious door fairy king bodhi old zu came to the dark department monk sink asked.
Fairy laughed. "What’s the bodhi old zu not worried about?"
The bodhi old zu, the fairy king, did not answer seriously, "The only way for me to know the fairy king is to fall at the end of nine days instead of being ridiculous and being worshipped to death."
Jade slave fairy smell speech nodded gently and then laughed "Let’s just say that the bodhi old zu was not immortal as early as nine days before the war."
What does it mean that the fairy king and the bodhi old zu are startled?
Nine days has gone by implication. Does that gentleman have entered the imperial realm?
But it’s impossible that the birth of an emperor’s territory will inevitably disturb the whole world. How far apart is it? Godsworn can feel it. But if not, how should she understand this sentence?
Despite the doubts in my heart, I can get the answer at once.
Jade slave fairy is a junior in his family, but now her identity is definitely different. The first secret department makes her foot with the maid, and the injured fairy king is shoulder to shoulder. What’s more, her strength has been refined, and she also has the strength of the fairy king. If the fairy doesn’t want to say anything, she will ask more questions.
Two blood splashes sounded almost at the same time, both from the arms drill field. One was a challenger in front of Sheng Tian, and the other was a mountain man!
And very coincidentally, both of them were forced into danger of life and death by a series of swords.
Sheng Tian, there is an obscure fairy sword, which keeps emitting wonderful sounds. It is from the avenue.
Jade slave fairy cried when she was surprised that she had entered the ruins of the beginning. She immediately recognized that Sheng Tian had actually concretized the original ethereal fairy question and condensed the essence. The power of Xianjian is like watching him being chopped off by a sword before the Xianwang challenger.
But at this time the jade slave is also slightly attention was quickly attracted by the mountain man there.
The fairy king, who had just been in high spirits because of worshipping the dead fairy king, is now crumbling like a candle in the wind and piercing his heart. The sword made him see what is really mysterious and unpredictable, which not only cut off his vitality crazily, but also made him unable to resist it at all.
"Daoyou, this is to thank you, otherwise you can’t understand the true meaning of heaven’s punishment so quickly."
Fu Guangman’s figure of Qin Changfeng re-condensed in the void and thanked the mountain people who had experienced great joy and great sorrow in life continuously.
When the voice fell, the mysterious Dao sword passed through its immortal body and appeared in vain. People saw that the sword body suddenly revealed a symbol.
The jade slave fairy’s beautiful eyes suddenly burst out with this symbol meaning punishment.
"Heaven, earth, man, three disasters in one, heaven and punishment have not been fully understood before the start of this war, but now they have made a breakthrough in the battlefield!"
At this moment, the fairy feels that she is so close to accompanying you to soar for nine days …
Chapter one thousand and twenty-six Site Buddha
The final fate of the mountain-measuring man was lost at the moment when Qin Changfeng Road’s weight was newly manifested. Although the worship of Heaven is not all his cards, it represents his magical power. The Taoist characteristic is to suppress the enemy by the majesty of Heaven Road.
So when Qin Changfeng abruptly endured his one-day worship, but he was able to "come back from the dead" and regroup the Taoist body, it meant that he could no longer pose a threat to Qin Changfeng.
A moment later, in his unwilling eyes, the eternal Taoist symbol decomposed him from life to death, not only the physical death, but also some of his own monastic secrets were absorbed and assimilated by Qin Changfeng after the symbol was changed.
People are shocked, but they don’t understand why Qin Changfeng came back to life after being killed by Heaven.
In addition to the mysterious two heavenly emperors, there are also Taoist priests who specialize in eternal symbols, such as jade slaves, who can guess some reasons
In fact, it’s not a big secret after all. In the universe, Qin Changfeng’s physical spirit was indeed wiped out by heaven, but his Yuan God was hidden in the eternal Fuyu, and Fuyu was self-integrated. Therefore, when Qin Changfeng’s Tao body was cut off in the outside world, the robbery of heaven came to an abrupt end and the law further threatened Yuan God.
In addition, the eternal symbol body is special, and the symbol can be condensed and recast from Fu Yu at any time before the Yuan God is extinguished.
In this way, the mountain man can be said to have chosen the opponent he should not face the most.
If it were anyone else, even Emperor Renxian, I’m afraid I couldn’t walk away so easily in the mysterious way of God. However, he chose Qin Changfeng, who was the least afraid of heaven’s punishment.
This is life!
On the other hand, this also means that Qin Changfeng’s initial expectation of establishing eternal symbol Tao … freedom from all control and freedom has been initially realized.
At the same time, Sheng Tian’s opponent has already been beheaded by the immortal sword. How can he understand why this immortal sword is so terrible?
He naturally doesn’t know that this sword represents the ancient immortal dharma!
At the same time, the fall of the mountain man also shows that the seven fairy kings have completely failed in challenging the giants of heaven.

See these Chinese herbal medicines piled up in front of your face Chen Shiwen nodded with satisfaction.

Right hand a little glittering and translucent green light flashed in his hand and condensed into a roll of bamboo slips.
"I borrowed this from the Jade Bamboo Slips. There is a gas-fixing symbol in Zhuyou Kefu Zhuan. I let you pick these herbs to relieve fatigue, nourish your heart and soothe your nerves. Even if you need to sleep for an hour every day, you can completely restore your energy!"
Chapter 91 Goodbye, Unforgettable Memories in the Hot Sun
Chen Shiwen, who became Lin Yang’s soul messenger, also had the qualification to read and borrow in jade slips.
Apart from several ghost exercises and techniques, the ancient books of Zhuyouke attracted him the most.
Because this ancient book of Zhuyouke is also a kind of medicine, Chen Shiwen, who is addicted to medicine, has to read it and study it
Chen Shiwen came to be a master of medical ethics, but no matter how obscure and mysterious it is, it can’t beat him in the field of medical ethics.
After a period of research, Chen Shiwen made rapid progress in Zhuyou Keli, far exceeding Lin Yang’s semi-suspension.
At the moment, after taking out "Zhu You Ke Fu Zhuan", he immediately explained the principle of Qi-fixing operators to Lin Yang.
Before Linyang studied the character seal, whether it was Zhu Youke’s medical character seal or the technique of calling the wind and rain, it was all in accordance with the gourd painting ladle, and it was just copied out. It was not considered that the breeze character should be painted like this and the sleeping character should be painted like that
It was not until now that he heard Chen Shiwen’s story that he realized that the principle of Fu Zhuan is very similar to the law. It can be said that Fu Zhuan is a miniature law set on Fu Paper.
That brushstroke and painting is actually to mobilize the power of heaven and earth in the disposal to achieve the desired effect
Although Chen Shiwen is talking about the principle of the fixed gas operator at the moment, it can be used to prove Lin Yang’s inferences with the help of the fixed gas operator principle, and soon the principles of other operators, including the breeze operator, will be clarified one by one.
Fortunately, it is relatively simple for him to master the principles of these characters and seals now, otherwise it is impossible for him to figure out the principles of these characters and seals in such a short time!
Understand the principle of character seal, although it can’t improve the power of character seal, it can improve the time and success rate of character painting.
Of course, if you are gifted, you can also improve these character seals …
It is impossible to improve the character seal even if it is entry-level and has been improved by generations for thousands of years.
Maybe it takes a real genius to improve these well-honed character seals.
According to Chen Shiwen’s instructions, Lin Yang grinds the medicinal materials he just picked into powder and mixes them according to a certain proportion, and then takes a stream from the Lingxi next to the medicine field to adjust the powder into a thick juice.
Lin Yangduan walked to the place where he usually painted symbols with medicine juice, grabbed a purple wolf brush and dipped it in brown medicine juice, while flying while dancing, and drew a gas symbol on the yellow paper.
Because I understand the principle of the fixed gas operator, the success rate of drawing symbols is shortened, and Lin Yang quickly drew sixteen fixed gas operators.
The medicinal juice with faint fragrance is also consume.
Wait until the paper medicine juice is dry, and Lin Yang rolls them into a thin tube and wraps them in the remaining medicine juice.
In this way, after drying, these breeze symbols look like slender sandalwood.
Chen Shiwen picked up all these delicate fragrance-like breath-fixing symbols and nodded with satisfaction. "When you rehearse tonight, you will ignite a breath-fixing symbol and let the fragrance spread naturally. Anyone who smells this fragrance will greatly reduce his energy consumption and the rest effect will increase several times. The most important thing is that after adding these herbs, it will make up for the vice before the breath-fixing symbol. Now even if you keep it for ten and a half months, it will not harm people’s health."
Changing to the pre-qi-fixing symbol can last for more than three days at most, which will not have the effect of calming the nerves and calming the qi, but will also cause harm to people’s health.
But now Chen Shiwen has actually improved the fixed gas character from the painting material!
Although the improvement is wished by Cory Fu Zhuan, it is also quite difficult! After all, this is a seal character that has been carved by generations.
It is not difficult to see that Chen Shiwen’s success in meeting foreign famous doctors depends not on luck but on amazing talent and wisdom!
Compared with Lin Yang, he is much more talented! Less in the field of medicine.
When rehearsing that night, Lin Yangzhen quietly lit a gas symbol in the corner.
The faint scent soon permeated the whole sundry room, which made everyone feel tired and refreshed.
"What’s the smell? Sandalwood? "
"It’s not like sandalwood, but it’s a bit like jasmine flowers."
A group of people were curious and guessed, but they couldn’t guess what the fragrance was.
Lin Yang didn’t explain much that it was brought from his hometown to soothe the gods.
The rehearsal lasted until after five o’clock in the morning.
Even if I waited in line all night, I couldn’t see the slightest tiredness in everyone’s face.
After Chen Shiwen’s improvement, the gas-fixing symbol is really amazing!
Speaking of which, thanks to Li Wenbin’s help, the location of this sundry room is far away from the student dormitory. Otherwise, the banging all night would have caused people to protest and find fault. Where can we rehearse all night?
After the rehearsal, everyone went out of the utility room to go back to their dormitory for a nap-it won’t be long before they have to attend military training on time at one o’clock, but they also need to nap for an hour before they can be alive and kicking again.
"Hey, what is the room in Li Ge?"
Two days ago, they went in and out of the three-story building where the sundry room was located at night. Lin Yang, they didn’t notice that there was a four-story building behind the small bamboo forest not far from the left of the building.
That small building looks like a product of the 1970s. Somehow, it always gives people a gloomy feeling, which makes people uncomfortable.
"Oh … there. You will know what that building is for when you formally learn it." Li Wenbin made a haha and was vague.
Zhou Liang pie pie discontent said "don’t be so mysterious? That building can’t be a morgue, can it? "
"Ha ha, you will know when the time comes." Li Wenbin still refused to say.
Looking at the bamboo forest after the four-story building Ma Wanwen didn’t speak.
It was not until he said goodbye to his sister-in-law and went back to the dormitory that he said, "I used to go to the medical college to play. If I remember correctly, today we saw that four-story building is not only a morgue but also an autopsy classroom. I didn’t say I was worried that my sister-in-law would be afraid after hearing it."
Zhou Liang a clap a thigh satisfied with his judgment "by I also said? No wonder I feel there is something strange about that place. "
None of the four people in the dormitory is timid.
Besides, although they study Chinese medicine, they also have to learn human anatomy, and even they may dissect a corpse themselves-of course, there is a prerequisite for this, that is, there must be enough bodies.
If there are enough bodies, the students may be lucky enough to have a chance to dissect themselves.